Summary Of The Book CAT, also known as Common Admission Test, is a computer-based test that is conducted in India. This test grades a person on the basis of Verbal Ability, Logical Reasoning, Data Interpretation, and Quantitative Ability. Prior to the year 2009, CAT was a paper-based examination that was carried out on a single day. This test is organized by the Indian Institutes of Management for admission into its many colleges as well as admission into the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Faculty of Management Studies (FMS), National Institutes of Technology (NITs), and a few other colleges.
Logical Reasoning For The CAT And Other MBA Examinations covers core topics pertaining to the subject of Logical Reasoning such as reasoning, data sufficiency, and data interpretation. Readers have been provided with detailed explanations on each of these topics in order to help them prepare for the examinations that lie ahead.
The questions that are provided in this book have been framed keeping in mind the changes that have been made in the syllabi, and the paper patterns of these examinations. The readers have also been provided with numerous solved examples and practice questions.
Solved questions from examinations that have been held in previous years have also been in this book. The contents of this book include a Preface, Introduction, Examples Section, and a Topic-wise Exercise Section, along with fourteen different practice tests and their solutions. Aspirants of CAT are sure to benefit greatly with the use of this book.