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কালচারাল কো-অপারেশন ইন সাউথ এশিয়া (দ্য সার্চ ফর কমিউনিটি) image

কালচারাল কো-অপারেশন ইন সাউথ এশিয়া (দ্য সার্চ ফর কমিউনিটি) (Hardcover)

Jamil Chowdhury

TK. 450 Total: TK. 342
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কালচারাল কো-অপারেশন ইন সাউথ এশিয়া (দ্য সার্চ ফর কমিউনিটি)

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কালচারাল কো-অপারেশন ইন সাউথ এশিয়া (দ্য সার্চ ফর কমিউনিটি) (Hardcover)

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The South Asian Regional Dialogue took off in 1991 to promote a greater sense of community within South Asia. Between 1991 and 1995 successive dialogues were organised in New Delhi, Kandy, Lahore and Kathmandu. The fifth dialogue was held in Dhaka on 25-27 February 1997. The dialogue focused on the way in which different art forms address the themes viz., Social Justice and Human Rights, Women in Society and Fundamentalism and Communalism. The purpose of the dialogue was to examine the extent to which the creative imagination within South Asian Region, expressed in the different disciplines of literature, drama, the plastic arts, music and dance view these important social issues. Leading cultural figures from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka participated in the dialogue and explored the presence of a shared cultural identity within the South Asian Region which may provide a more substantive basis for cooperation between not just the governments but also the peoples of South Asia. The present volume is an anthology of the papers presented in the Dhaka Dialogue. The volume is edited by Jamil Choudhury
Title কালচারাল কো-অপারেশন ইন সাউথ এশিয়া (দ্য সার্চ ফর কমিউনিটি)
ISBN 9840514695
Edition 1st Published, 1999
Number of Pages 228
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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কালচারাল কো-অপারেশন ইন সাউথ এশিয়া (দ্য সার্চ ফর কমিউনিটি)

Jamil Chowdhury

৳ 342 ৳450.0

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