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মায়াবী কষ্টের জার্নাল

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Product Specification & Summary

Two editions of the Journal of Illusive Pain by Shakwat Sadi has been published already. Really it’s a matter of wonders. It’s being provided that Shakwat Sadi has not touched only the beat of readers. He has conquered their mind. For a most young poet of eighteen decade this achievement is a great matter. The saffron color of the late afternoon of the century has coloured the poems of Shakwat Sadi with bright yellow and orange coolers. Sorrow and joy has been flowing under the attractive and melodious poems of this young poet like a fountain coming down from hills. Within the impossible pain livelihood somewhere Shakwat Sadi becomes inspired and enlightened with the pleasure of love. Again some when anguishing sounds comes out from his throat due to separation and departing from his beloved ones. After reading his poems it’s clearly understood that he is a young person. The second edition of ‘Journal of Illusive Pain’ within a short time is proving that young persons and teenage girls are thinking his poems are the linguistic expression of their heart. In the poems of ancient poets which pain was grown that pain is still flowing in the soul of the present poets. Journal of Illusive Pain of Shakwat sadi is the poetic expression of that pain of recent days which in unrelasing at the sometime within.

By Abudl Mannan Syed
Title মায়াবী কষ্টের জার্নাল
ISBN 9789849204688
Edition 1st Published, 2016
Number of Pages 80
Country Bangladesh
Language Bangla & English

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