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এ গাইড ফর ইয়ুথ image

এ গাইড ফর ইয়ুথ (Paperback)

Bediuzzaman Said Nursi

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এ গাইড ফর ইয়ুথ

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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এ গাইড ফর ইয়ুথ (Paperback)

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If you want a friend, God is sufficient. Yes, if He is your friend, everything is friendly. If you want companions, the Qur’an is sufficient. For in the imagination one meets with the prophets and angels in it, observes the events in which they were involved, and becomes familiar with them. If you want possessions, contentment is sufficient. Yes the person who is content is frugal; and the frugal person receives the blessing of plenty. If you want an enemy, the soul is sufficient. Yes the person who fancies himself is visited with calamities and meets with difficulties, whereas the one who is not fond of himself, finds happiness, and receives mercy. If you want advice, death is sufficient. Yes the person who thinks of death is saved from love of this world, and works in earnest for the hereafter.
Title এ গাইড ফর ইয়ুথ
Number of Pages 221
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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এ গাইড ফর ইয়ুথ

Bediuzzaman Said Nursi

৳ 78 ৳100.0

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