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ওশান অফ সররাও (Hardcover)

Fakrul Alam

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ওশান অফ সররাও

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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ওশান অফ সররাও (Hardcover)

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"You are my only son! This peerless, fabulously wealthy and vast kingdom with its huge army is all yours. Soon the crown of Damascus will shine on your head. You will oversee the lives of hundreds of thousands of the citizens of this kingdom. They will be your charge and you will look after their welfare, and by supervising and improving their lot will be worshipped and loved by them. Tell me what is it that you lack? What is that causes you such anguish?
I can't seem to locate the source of the problem that afflicts you. You appear pale, depressed and distracted all the time and seem driven by useless thoughts that take you on unnecessary excursions. Consequently, you are losing weight and looking sadder by the day. At times you seemed to have drowned in an ocean of sorrow after giving up all that is good in this world. It is as if you intend to destroy yourself. What is the reason for such conduct? I am your father and so do not try to hide anything from me. Reveal what you have in your mind frankly. If it is money that ails you, tell me: what is my wealth for?
Title ওশান অফ সররাও
ISBN 9840755862
Edition 1st Published, 2016
Number of Pages 540
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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