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The Book Thief (Paperback)

Markus Zusak

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The Book Thief

৭ ডিসেম্বর থেকে আসছে বিশাল ছাড়!

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The Book Thief (Paperback)

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I would like to start by thanking Anna McFarlane (who is as warm as she is knowledgeable) and Erin Clarke (for her foresight, kindness and always having the right advice at the right time). Special thanks must also go to Bri Tunnicliffe for putting up with me and trying to believe my delivery dates for rewrites.
I am indebted to Trudy White for her grace and talent. It’s an honour to have her artwork in these pages.
This book also wouldn't be possible without the following people: Cate Paterson, Nikki Christer, Jo Jarrah, Anyez Lindop, Jane Novak, Fiona Inglis and Catherine Drayton. Thank you for putting your valuable time into this story, and into me. I appreciate it more than I can say.
Thanks also to the Sydney Jewish Museum, the Australian War Memorial, Doris Seider at the Jewish Museum of Munich, Andreus Heusler at the Munich City Archive, and Rebecca Biehler (for information on the seasonal habits of apple trees).
I am grateful to Dominika Zusak, Kinga Kovacs and Andrew Janson for all the pep talks and endurance.
Lastly, special thanks must go to Lisa and Helmut Zusak - for the stories we find hard to believe, for laughter, and for showing me another side.
Title The Book Thief
ISBN 9780552779739
Edition Edition, 2016
Number of Pages 560
Country India
Language English

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Markus Zusak

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