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A Series of Unfortunate Events: Lemony Snicket: The Unauthorized Autobiography (Paperback)

Lemony Snicket

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A Series of Unfortunate Events: Lemony Snicket: The Unauthorized Autobiography

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A Series of Unfortunate Events: Lemony Snicket: The Unauthorized Autobiography (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

Many readers have questions about Lemony Snicket, author of the distressing serial concerning the trials of the charming but unlucky Baudelaire orphans, published under the collective title
A Series of Unfortunate Events. Before purchasing, borrowing, or stealing this book, you should be aware that it contains the answers to some of those questions, such as the following:
1. Who is Lemony Snicket?
2. Is there a secret organization I should know about?
3. Why does Lemony Snicket spend his time researching and writing distressing books concerning the Baudelaire orphans?
4. Why do all of Lemony Snicket's books contain a sad dedication to a woman named Beatrice?
5. If there's nothing out there, what was that noise?
Our advice to you is that you find a book that answers less upsetting questions than this one. Perhaps your librarian, bookseller, or parole book that answers the officer can recommend a question, "Aren't ponies adorable?"
Title A Series of Unfortunate Events: Lemony Snicket: The Unauthorized Autobiography
ISBN 9780060562250
Edition 1st Edition, 2003
Number of Pages 218
Country India
Language English

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A Series of Unfortunate Events: Lemony Snicket: The Unauthorized Autobiography

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