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Jane Eyre (Paperback)

Charlotte Bronte

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Jane Eyre

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Jane Eyre (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

Jane Eyre
Determined to make her heroine "as poor and plain as myself," Charlotte Brontë made a daring choice for her 1847 novel. Jane Eyre possesses neither the great beauty nor entrancing charm that her fictional predecessors used to make their way in the world. Instead, Jane relies upon her powers of diligence and perception, conducting herself with dignity animated by passion.
The instant and lasting success of Jane Eyre proved Brontë's instincts correct. Readers of her era and ever after have taken the impoverished orphan girl into their hearts, following her from the custody of cruel relatives to a dangerously oppressive boarding school and onward through a troubled career as a governess. Jane's first assignment at Thornfield, where the proud and cynical master of the house harbors a scandalous secret, draws readers ever deeper into a compelling exploration of the mysteries of the human heart.
A banquet of food for thought, this many-faceted tale invites a splendid variety of interpretations. The heroine's insistence upon emotional equality with her lover suggests a feminist viewpoint, while her solitary status invokes a consideration of the problems of growing up as a social outsider. Some regard Jane's attempts to reconcile her need for love with her search for moral rectitu the story's primary message, and lovers of gothic romar tale's social and religious aspects secondary to its grippir of mystery and horror. This classic of English literature tru something for every reader.
Title Jane Eyre
ISBN 9780486424491
Edition 1st Published, 2002
Number of Pages 426
Country United Kingdom
Language English

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Charlotte Bronte

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