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History of Islam Prophet Muhammad (SAAS) And Khulafae Rashidin image

History of Islam Prophet Muhammad (SAAS) And Khulafae Rashidin (Paperback)

Dr. Mahfuzur Rahman Akhanda

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History of Islam Prophet Muhammad (SAAS) And Khulafae Rashidin

চলবে ২১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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History of Islam Prophet Muhammad (SAAS) And Khulafae Rashidin (Paperback)

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Islamic history throws a flood of light on the every stage of Islamic world, May of the whole world. When the whole world was steeped in vice and superstition, when the people of the globe were groaning under the pangs of oppression and tyranny and when chaos and confusion were the order of the day, Islam became as a torch-bearer of peace and civilization.
Islamic history is the history of Prophets, Muslim rulers, conquerors, friends of Allah and scholars, as well as the history of men of knowledge, wisdom and excellence. There for nobody can deny the urgent need of the study of Islamic History. The Islamic world remains today a vast land stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific, with an important presence in Europe and America, animated by the teachings of Islam and seeking to assert its own identity.
Despite the presence of nationalism and various secular ideologies in their midst, Muslims wish to live in the modern world but without simply imitating blindly the ways followed by the West. The Islamic world wishes to live at peace with the West as well as the East but at the same time not to be dominated by them.
It wishes to devote its resources and energies to building a better life for its people on the basis of the teachings of Islam and not to squander its resources in either internal or external conflicts. It seeks finally to create better understanding with the West and to be better understood by the West. The destinies of the Islamic world and the West cannot be totally separated and therefore it only in understands each other better that they can serve their own people more successfully and also contribute to a superior life for the whole of humanity.
This book covers the discussion of the reign of Prophet Muhammad (SAAS) and Khulafae Rahsidin, which is considered as a model of Islamic ideology for social, political, religious, economical as well as cultural activities.
Title History of Islam Prophet Muhammad (SAAS) And Khulafae Rashidin
ISBN 9789848471234
Edition 1st Published, 2014
Number of Pages 334
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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History of Islam Prophet Muhammad (SAAS) And Khulafae Rashidin

Dr. Mahfuzur Rahman Akhanda

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