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Tales To Tell Romance (Paperback)


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Tales To Tell Romance

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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Tales To Tell Romance (Paperback)

TK. 270

বইটি বিদেশি প্রকাশনী বা সাপ্লাইয়ারের নিকট থেকে সংগ্রহ করে আনতে আমাদের ৩০ থেকে ৪০ কর্মদিবস সময় লেগে যেতে পারে।

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সময় বাড়লো ক্লিয়ারেন্স সেল অফারের! বইয়ে ৭০% ও পণ্যে ৭৮% পর্যন্ত ছাড়!


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Through the glass walls of Flury's, he watched her cross Park Street. She was being pursued by a balloon- seller-one of those boys and girls who tell you that they hadn't eaten in two days. He saw her digging into her purse and handing the beggar boy some money. 'God, she looks just as beautiful!' he exclaimed to himself. They had known each other for eight years but had met only once before, six years ago, when they almost had sex. She lived in Mumbai, he in Chen- nai, but a writers' workshop had put them together for a night at a hotel in Bangalore. Destiny had had a hand in it; how else could two people, craving to meet in flesh and blood after an intense online relationship, be nominated for the same event being held in a third city?
Title Tales To Tell Romance
ISBN 9789380925554
Edition 1st Edition, 2016
Number of Pages 208
Country India
Language English

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