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এ ক্রুয়েল ফাদার( নোবেল) image

এ ক্রুয়েল ফাদার( নোবেল) (Hardcover)

Shahazada Basunia

TK. 250 Total: TK. 188
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এ ক্রুয়েল ফাদার( নোবেল)

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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এ ক্রুয়েল ফাদার( নোবেল) (Hardcover)

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Product Specification & Summary

The family was on verge of starvation. It instilled that 16 years old Ayush would soon become self-reliant and he would take up the responsibility as the bread winner of an ordinary lower class family but he was worthless to provide supports to his family at all.
He always kept depending on her step-sister who used to feed him a three-square meal per day. He used to spend time lavishly while walking on the path, and by the roadside he kept watching children who refused to go bed and they were still playing. Days ago, his step-sister shut the door when he was about to enter into the home.
He waited there almost 3 hours getting no response from his sister. She stopped the door from inside saying, 'Leave me, Ayush and go back to your biological father. Let me serve my ailing mother. I've no time and money to take care of you in future. Let me live alone.'
Title এ ক্রুয়েল ফাদার( নোবেল)
ISBN 9789878044162
Edition 1st Published, 2019
Number of Pages 103
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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এ ক্রুয়েল ফাদার( নোবেল)

Shahazada Basunia

৳ 188 ৳250.0

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