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মুজিব ১০০ (Hardcover)

Sajol Ahmed

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মুজিব ১০০

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মুজিব ১০০ (Hardcover)

100 Years, 100 Pictures, One Man, One Nation, One Story

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Like our independence, the opportunities to study Bangabandhu came with a hefty price tag. Rekindling studying Bangabandhu after it was cast off in the dark wilderness of history for over two decades was an unforgettable experience of our adolescence and we were able to study his life, politics, and philosophy and through it all, the recipe for our independence. Needless to say, through his life and his struggles the independence of the nation is materialized. Celebrating the centenary of Bangabandhu's birth and the golden Jubilee of our Independence ls a special occasion for the post-independence generations of Bangladesh. Everyone is contributing to commemorate this ever-special juncture of our national history. This combined effort of studying Bangabandhu through various mediums such as literature, research, motion films, etc. will contribute towards archiving of Important information and restoring our history. These pieces of works will facilitate studies of our history for generations to come through­out Bangladesh and the rest of the world. Our approach towards studying Bangabandhu is of a household language; an attempt of visualizing his life through the lenses by chronicling his photographs taken throughout his life. The epic illustration that immerges after arranging the photographs renders us rushed with emotional surges, urges us to deliver the grandiosity of it all to everyone. The contemporary photographers did not Just photograph him; rather It was the statement and depiction of his journey from being a provincial political leader Sheikh Mujib to immerging as Bangabandhu- the 'Friend of Bengal'. The fiery emergence of Bangladesh can be seen in the chronicled photographs of this collection paired with his timeless quotations and speeches. Our efforts are fueled by the hope that this presentation about the Father of the Nation will resonate in the heart of readers.
Title মুজিব ১০০
ISBN 9789849529118
Edition 1st Published, 2021
Number of Pages 200
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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মুজিব ১০০

Sajol Ahmed

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