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দ্যা ঢাকা রিভিউ : এ পোয়েট্রি জার্নাল image

দ্যা ঢাকা রিভিউ : এ পোয়েট্রি জার্নাল (Paperback)

Aminur Rahman

TK. 800 Total: TK. 640
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দ্যা ঢাকা রিভিউ : এ পোয়েট্রি জার্নাল

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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দ্যা ঢাকা রিভিউ : এ পোয়েট্রি জার্নাল (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

The most difficult thing for a poet at the beginning of the twenty first century is how to navigate this brave new world, where we are in the midst of making up our collective mind about what it means to be mutually connected from different parts of the globe to form a common platform of friendship. Poetry takes as its purview what is deeply felt and essentially unsayable; that is the paradox on which the poem necessarily turns.
The Dhaka Review is a poetry journal. We tried to keep it purely a poetry journal. Poetry and poetry related prose are the main content of this journal. Those who are writing in English and English translations from well reputed poets and scholars across the globe have been enrolled here. Twenty-two unique prose linked with poetry have been published in this journal. We did not ask for any open call for submission here. In this issue more than ninety five percent are well known poets and writers from across the globe and we know each other for quite a long time. 101 representative participations of many languages from all five continents are present here, a true collector's issue. However, it is very difficult to get good English texts or translations, but we have tried our best to make it happen. Senior most renowned poet like Jack Hirschman's to brilliant poet Anna Keiko's poems have been collected. I am happy and thankful to all the contributors for their beautiful creative piece sent to be printed in this journal. Hopefully the printed version of The Dhaka Review will attract reader's mind. More than twenty years ago Poet Fazal Shahabuddin and I had dreamed this poetry journal. After a long interval it has been witnessing the light of the world. The Poems and Essays published are all gathered simply because of an outstanding resonance of language and if you are someone who loves words and what they can do, then all poems and essays will resonate within you, and you will find yourself at the bookshelf, time and again.
Title দ্যা ঢাকা রিভিউ : এ পোয়েট্রি জার্নাল
Edition 1st Published, 2021
Number of Pages 373
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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দ্যা ঢাকা রিভিউ : এ পোয়েট্রি জার্নাল

Aminur Rahman

৳ 640 ৳800.0

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