Quick Overview The new updated edition of the book is planned at a much-needed time when Medical Council of India (MCI)has implemented competency -based medical education (CBME)and there was a strong need for a Medical Parasitology textbook conforming to the current revised competency-based MBBS curriculum with stress on the Indian perspective. Also, clinical microbiologists with patient centric bedside orientation were also supposed to keep themselves updated with current treatment regimens. This edition covers system wise with syndromic approach unfolding the dilemmas of differential diagnosis, algorithms for laboratory investigations and management. Key Features - Written in accordance with competency -based medical education (CBME) of MCI for UGs and PGs - Thoroughly revised and expanded with new photographs, up-to-date epidemiological data - New section of Systemic Parasitology, based on individual competencies comprising of chapters like (cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous system) has been incorporated - Case -based Study Questions at the end of each chapter to help problem-based learning along with Answer key provided at the end of the section - Rearrangement of all chapters in a sequential format with revision and updating to include new data, new concepts and recent advances in diagnosis, treatment, and vaccine prophylaxis - Includes: (I) MCQs for preparations of Undergraduate as well as postgraduate examination (ii) Key points in each chapter for last minute revision (iii) Content arranged in bulleted format and usage of subheads for increased readability (iv) Includes chart at the end of book depicting life cycles of various parasites - a handy tool for students Target Audience Important resource for Undergraduate (MBBS) and Postgraduate Medical Students
Paniker's Textbook of Medical Parasitology As Per the Competency-Based Medical Education Curriculum