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হোয়াট দি ব্যাংকার ডাস image

হোয়াট দি ব্যাংকার ডাস (Hardcover)

Abul Hashem

TK. 300 Total: TK. 246
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হোয়াট দি ব্যাংকার ডাস

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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হোয়াট দি ব্যাংকার ডাস (Hardcover)

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Product Specification & Summary

"What the Banker Does" Taken from the preface of the book:
This is an humble attempt to tell the dear readers particularly the learners and the young in banking about what the banker does, how and on the basis of which provisions of law. I have tried to discuss as far as possible every item of the banker's traditional work in such a way as to make it easily understandable to every one. I don't know, how far I have been successful.
For guidance of the bank officials in their day to day work it is imperative for the banker to lay down detailed working procedure and arrange for their intensive practical training. Unless these two requirements are meet no amount of theoretical knowledge or background of the officials will make them perform their duties satisfactorily.
I acknowledge with gratitude the guidance I received from the books of Sheldon, Tannan, and a few others on banking and Government legislations. Compliments are also due and hereby conveyed to those whom I consulted on any item and who helped me in whatever manner possible in compiling the book. As I am in the active service of a bank, I make it clear that the wiews expressed in the book are purely other than official.
Title হোয়াট দি ব্যাংকার ডাস
ISBN 9843115047
Edition 5th Edition, 2016
Number of Pages 176
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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হোয়াট দি ব্যাংকার ডাস

Abul Hashem

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