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 এ শর্ট বায়োগ্রাফি অফ হজরত শাহজালাল (রাঃ) দ্য গ্রেট সেইন্ট

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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এ শর্ট বায়োগ্রাফি অফ হজরত শাহজালাল (রাঃ) দ্য গ্রেট সেইন্ট (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

Hazrat Shahjalal is a bright star in the history of Sylhet.
This name has been immortal in the minds of men for ages. This day too people remember this name in the emotion of inspired devotion of heart.
In fact, actual men are those who are memorable in the minds of men after their death.
Crores of men have come to the world since Hazrat Adam (AS.) till today, and they again have gone away by receiving the light and wind of the world till the appointed time. But they all did not get place in the pages of history. Because they did not contribute anything for the future descendant.
Hazrat Shahjalal (R.A.) was much above all these general people. His ideal, devotion to religion, honesty, social service and his spiritual ascetic practice or meditation have made him memorable till the last day of the world.
In Individual life, he was a Fakir only.
Title এ শর্ট বায়োগ্রাফি অফ হজরত শাহজালাল (রাঃ) দ্য গ্রেট সেইন্ট
Edition 1st, published, 2021
Number of Pages 50
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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 এ শর্ট বায়োগ্রাফি অফ হজরত শাহজালাল (রাঃ) দ্য গ্রেট সেইন্ট

Professor Mohd. Mohibur Rahman

৳ 80 ৳100.0

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