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Major Works of Charles Dickens 5 Books Collection Boxed Set image

Major Works of Charles Dickens 5 Books Collection Boxed Set (Paperback)

Charles Dickens

Total: TK. 3,591

Major Works of Charles Dickens 5 Books Collection Boxed Set

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Major Works of Charles Dickens 5 Books Collection Boxed Set (Paperback)

Great Expectations, A Tale of Two Cities, A Christmas Carol, Hard Times

TK. 3,591

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Pirrip-known lovingly as Pip - lives with his borderline abusive elder sister, who also doubles as a flawed mother figure, Narrated in the first person by Pip, Charles Dickens' Great a story of ambition and opportunities. Despite being relegated by birth to lowly circumstances, Pip dreams big. A Tale of Two Cities: A Tale of Two Cities is a remarkable work of historical fiction set in the period prior to and during the French Revolution. The story follows the Manette family and their friends from the peaceful lanes of London to the epicentre of the Reign of Terror and its cries of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, or Death. A Christmas Carol: But he was a tight-listed hand at the grindstone, Scrooge! al squeezing, wovenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covelous old sinner! The character of Ebenezer Scrooge has become an archetype of the merciless miser. He was a man quite content with utter disregard for the welfare of those around him. Hard Times: Charles Dickens's Hard Times is a satirical portrayal of the deleterious effect of the Industrial Revolution and Capitalism.
Following the lives of its unforgettable characters-master of fact, Thomas Gradgrind, heartless and perverse. Oliver Twist: Charles Dicken's famous classic Oliver Twist is the tale of the eponymous hero an orphaned boy whose life is beset by adversities and trials. Set in the backdrop of the Industrial Revolution, the book captures the gritty realities of 19th-century England.
Title Major Works of Charles Dickens 5 Books Collection Boxed Set
ISBN 9789391348069
Edition 1st published 2021
Number of Pages 2020
Country Abroad
Language English

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Major Works of Charles Dickens 5 Books Collection Boxed Set

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