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Unfinished Business

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Unfinished Business (Hardcover)

Evolving Capitalism: Evolving Capitalism in the World’s Largest Democracy

TK. 1,078

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Product Specification & Summary

Unfinished Business is a chronicle of contemporary Indian corporate history, narrated through the professional trajectories of four high-profile businessmen: Anil Ambani, Naresh Goyal, V.G. Siddhartha and Vijay Mallya.
By no means unique in their proclivity for debt and penchant for politics, these four men belonged to a rarefied club of entrepreneurs, who could raise a sizeable quantum of financing with ease despite their businesses not generating adequate cash flows and/or possessing sufficient collateral.
So, what competitive advantage(s) did this guild of Indian entrepreneurs have? What caused their enterprises to struggle, while other similar organizations whose CEOs shared these attributes survived and even flourished? How did the Indian business ecosystem, regulatory norms, lenders' underwriting practices and investor due diligence influence the organizations helmed by this quartet?
Following these four entrepreneurs' careers and professional decisions, Unfinished Business throws light on the evolution of Indian capitalism during the first two decades of the twenty-first century, set against the backdrop of a dynamic political, regulatory and business climate in India. And, with great insight, clarity and analysis, Nandini Vijayaraghavan explores the takeaways for entrepreneurs, regulators, lenders and investors in this compelling, illuminating read.
Title Unfinished Business
ISBN 9780670097371
Edition Edition, 2023
Number of Pages 386
Country India
Language English

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Unfinished Business

Nandini Vijayaraghavan

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