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You Bet Your Garden Guide to Growing Great Tomatoes,

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You Bet Your Garden Guide to Growing Great Tomatoes, (Paperback)

TK. 1,768

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Why grow your own tomatoes? Because you just can't beat the taste! Complete guide to growing heirloom tomatoes, whether you have an entire backyard or just a small space Learn about tomato varieties, germination, planting, staking and caging, food, water, maintenance, pest control and diseases, and harvesting Understand the benefits of growing your own tomatoes, going beyond the obvious fact that they taste better Fascinating tomato lore, expert tips, and techniques all flavored with irreverent wit Fun and conversational, written in the tone Mike McGrath is known and loved for in his popular NPR radio show, You Bet Your Garden (R) Whether you have a big backyard or only a small terrace, you bet you can grow beautiful heirloom tomatoes! Organic gardener Mike McGrath, the host of the nationally syndicated public radio show hit You Bet Your Garden (R), will teach you everything you need to know to grow tomatoes like a pro. Learn all about choosing tomato varieties, seeding, germination, planting, staking, caging, food, water, lighting, maintenance and nurturing, how to control pests and deal with disease, and harvesting. McGrath shows gardeners of all skill levels how to grow a wide variety of great-tasting homegrown tomatoes anywhere you have a place to plant seeds! Tomatoes are the most popular home garden vegetable crop, and whether you appreciate the enhanced flavor of heirloom tomatoes or want to grow disease-resistant hybrids, the techniques explained in this book allow all varieties to thrive. Based on McGrath's personal adventures in tomato-growing, You Bet Your Garden (R) Guide to Growing Great Tomatoes, 2nd Edition is filled with expert insight, fascinating tomato lore, and Mike's signature witty and conversational tone, making this essential guide to tomato gardening even more fun to read! Understand all the benefits of growing your own tomatoes, get sound advice, and learn expert tips and techniques to do it yourself from the leading authority in the field. You Bet Your Garden (R) Guide to Growing Great Tomatoes is a book for everyone who loves to laugh, loves to eat, and loves to grow beautiful tomatoes! "An indispensable, classic book for all gardeners who live to grow their best tomatoes ever. Mike's humor, personality, and knowledge make each page a true gem. First-time to long-time gardeners will love this book and rejoice in an unmatched harvest of homegrown tomatoes." —Doug Oster, Home and Garden Editor, Pittsburgh Tribune Review and Everybody Gardens
Title You Bet Your Garden Guide to Growing Great Tomatoes,
ISBN 9781497100756
Edition 2nd edition, 2020
Number of Pages 120
Country India
Language English

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You Bet Your Garden Guide to Growing Great Tomatoes,

Mike McGrath

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