Fluid Mechanics

1st Published, 2014

Fluid Mechanics (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

Fluid Mechanics is intended for use in Fluid Mechanics courses found in Civil and Environmental, General Engineering, and Engineering Technology and Industrial Management departments. It is also serves as a suitable reference and introduction to Fluid Mechanics principles. Fluid Mechanics provides a comprehensive and well-illustrated introduction to the theory and application of Fluid Mechanics. The text presents a commitment to the development of student problem-solving skills and features many of the same pedagogical aids unique to Hibbeler texts. MasteringEngineering for Fluid Mechanics is a total learning package that is designed to improve results through personalized learning. This innovative online program emulates the instructor’s office–hour environment, guiding students through engineering concepts from Fluid Mechanics with self-paced individualized coaching. Teaching and Learning Experience This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience—for you and your students. It provides: Individualized Coaching: MasteringEngineering provides students with wrong-answer specific feedback and hints as they work through tutorial homework problems. Problem Solving: A large variety of problem types stress practical, realistic situations encountered in professional practice, with varying levels of difficulty. Visualization: The photos are designed to help students visualize difficult concepts. Review and Student Support:A thorough end-of-chapter review provides students with a concise reviewing tool. Accuracy Checking:The accuracy of the text and problem solutions has been thoroughly checked by other parties. Alternative Coverage: After covering the basic principles in Chapters 1-6, the remaining chapters may be presented in any sequence, without the loss of continuity. Fluid Mechanics is intended for use in Fluid Mechanics courses found in Civil and Environmental, General Engineering, and Engineering Technology and Industrial Management departments. It is also serves as a suitable reference and introduction to Fluid Mechanics principles. Fluid Mechanics provides a comprehensive and well-illustrated introduction to the theory and application of Fluid Mechanics. The text presents a commitment to the development of student problem-solving skills and features many of the same pedagogical aids unique to Hibbeler texts. MasteringEngineering for Fluid Mechanics is a total learning package that is designed to improve results through personalized learning. This innovative online program emulates the instructor’s office–hour environment, guiding students through engineering concepts from Fluid Mechanics with self-paced individualized coaching. Teaching and Learning Experience This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience—for you and your students. It provides: Individualized Coaching: MasteringEngineering provides students with wrong-answer specific feedback and hints as they work through tutorial homework problems. Problem Solving: A large variety of problem types stress practical, realistic situations encountered in professional practice, with varying levels of difficulty. Visualization: The photos are designed to help students visualize difficult concepts. Review and Student Support:A thorough end-of-chapter review provides students with a concise reviewing tool. Accuracy Checking:The accuracy of the text and problem solutions has been thoroughly checked by other parties. Alternative Coverage: After covering the basic principles in Chapters 1-6, the remaining chapters may be presented in any sequence, without the loss of continuity.
Title Fluid Mechanics
ISBN 9780132777629
Edition 1st Published, 2014
Number of Pages 928
Country India
Language English

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