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Engineering Mechanics: Principles Of Statics And Dynamics

10th Edition, 2005


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Engineering Mechanics: Principles Of Statics And Dynamics (Paperback)

TK. 1,419

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For introductory statics and dynamics courses found in mechanical engineering, civil engineering, aeronautical engineering, and engineering mechanics departments. This 800 page paperback text contains all the topics and examples of the bestselling hardback text, and free access to Hibbeler's Onekey course where instructors select and post assignments. All this comes with significant savings for students! *Hibbeler's course contains over 3,000 Statics and Dynamics problems instructors can personalize and post for student assignments. OneKey lets instructors edit the values in a problem, guaranteeing a fresh problem for the students, and then use use MathCAD solutions worksheets to generate solutions for use in grading (and post for student review). Each problem also comes with optional student hints and an assignment guide. *PHGradeAssist - Hibbeler's PHGradeassist course contains over 600 Statics and Dynamics problems an instructor can use to generate algorithmic homework. PHGA grades and tracks student answers and performance, and offers sample solutions as feedback.Students will also find a complete Activebook (cross referenced in hints) as well as a set of animations and simulations for use on-line. Professors will find complete support including Powerpoints, JPEGS, Active Learning Slides for CRS systems, Matlab/Mathcad support, and student Math Review Of course, the Hibbeler Principles book retains all it's core features that make it the most student friendly book on the market -- the most examples, 3D photrealistic artwork, Procedure for Analysis problem solving boxes, triple accuracy checking, photgraphs that teach, and a carefully-crafted, student centered design
Title Engineering Mechanics: Principles Of Statics And Dynamics
ISBN 9780131872561
Edition 10th Edition, 2005
Number of Pages 480
Country India
Language English

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Engineering Mechanics: Principles Of Statics And Dynamics

R.C. Hibbeler

৳ 1,419 ৳1419.0

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