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Introduction To Virtual Reality

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Introduction To Virtual Reality (Paperback)

TK. 3,879

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During the last decade the word virtual became one of the most exposed words in the English language. Today we have virtual universities, virtual offices, virtual pets, virtual actors, virtual museums, virtual doctors - and all because of virtual reality. So what is virtual reality? Essentially, virtual reality is about the navigation and manipulation of 3D computer-generated environments. A VR user is able to navigate by walking, running or even flying through a virtual environment and explore viewpoints that would be impossible in the real world. But the real benefit of VR is the ability to touch, animate, pickup and reposition virtual objects and create totally new configurations. Key topics: The origins of VR How VR works How VR is being used The field of Virtual Reality is moving very quickly and increasing numbers of people need to know more about this exciting subject. Introduction to Virtual Reality explains what VR is about, without going into the underlying mathematical techniques, but at the same time providing a solid understanding and foundation of the techniques and applications involved.
Title Introduction To Virtual Reality
ISBN 9783790819618
Edition 1st Edition, 2004
Number of Pages 163
Country India
Language English

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Introduction To Virtual Reality

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