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Computer Networks And Internets

1st Edition, 2018


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Computer Networks And Internets (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

Appropriate for all introductory-to-intermediate courses in computer networking, the Internet, or Internet applications; students need no background in networking, operating systems, or advanced mathematics. Leading networking authority Douglas Comer presents a wide-ranging, self-contained tour of the concepts, principles, and technologies that enable today’s Internet to support applications ranging from web browsing to telephony and multimedia. Comer begins by illuminating the applications and facilities offered by today’s Internet. Next, he systematically introduces the underlying network technologies and protocols that make them possible. With these concepts and technologies established, he introduces several of the most important contemporary issues faced by network implementers and managers, including quality of service, Internet telephony, multimedia, network security, and network management. Comer has carefully designed this book to support both top-down and bottom-up teaching approaches. Students need no background in operating systems, and no sophisticated math: Comer relies throughout on figures, drawings, examples, and analogies, not mathematical proofs.Features Broad Coverage of Key Concepts and Principles, Presented in a Technology-independent FashionDrawing on more than 30 years’ experience at the leading edge of networking research and implementation, Comer focuses on imparting knowledge that students will need regardless of which technologies emerge or become obsolete.Every Chapter includes hands-on exercises and projects that offer opportunities for students to test their knowledge and gain confidence in their abilities. Flexible Organization that Supports both Top-down and Bottom-up Teaching ApproachesBroad Coverage of Key Concepts and Principles, Presented in a Technology-independent FashionDrawing on more than 30 years’ experience at the leading edge of networking research and implementation, Comer focuses on imparting knowledge that students will need regardless of which technologies emerge or become obsolete.Every Chapter includes hands-on exercises and projects that offer opportunities for students to test their knowledge and gain confidence in their abilities. Flexible Organization that Supports both Top-down and Bottom-up Teaching ApproachesThe text is organized into five parts. Chapters may be sequenced in multiple orders to accommodate a wide variety of instructor/student/course needs and preferences.This text combines the best of top-down and bottom-up approaches. When presented in order, the book exposes students to applications and allows them to write network programs early, while delivering all material in logical order so a reader understands how each New technology builds on lower layer technologies.An Accessible Presentation that Resonates with StudentsNo sophisticated mathematics is required—instead of formal mathematical proofs, Comer presents highly accessible examples, figures, drawings, and analogies.The text answers the basic question: how do computer networks and Internets operate? It provides a comprehensive, self-contained tour through all of networking that describes applications, Internet protocols, network technologies, such as LANs and WANs, and low-level details, such as data transmission and wiring. It shows how protocols use the underlying hardware and how applications use the protocol stack to provide functionality for users.Keep Your Course CurrentIn response to suggestions from readers and recent changes in networking, the New edition has been completely revised and Updated. The significant changes include:New! Updates throughout each ChapterNew! Additional figures to enhance explanationsNew! Integration of IPv4 and IPv6 in all ChaptersNew! Improved coverage of MPLS and tunnellingNew! New Chapter on Software Defined Networking and Open FlowNew! New Chapter on the Internet of Things and ZigBeeTable of Contents PART I Introduction And Internet ApplicationsPART II Data Communication BasicsPART III Packet Switching And Network TechnologiesPART IV InternetworkingPART V Other Networking Concepts
Title Computer Networks And Internets
ISBN 9789352869152
Edition 1st Edition, 2018
Number of Pages 672
Country India
Language English

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Computer Networks And Internets

Douglas E. Comer

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