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Integral Equations and Boundary Value Problems

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Integral Equations and Boundary Value Problems (Paperback)

TK. 891

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Product Specification & Summary

The tenth edition of Integral Equations and Boundary Value Problems continues to offer an in-depth presentation of integral equations for the solution of boundary value problems. The book provides a plethora of examples and step-by-step presentation of definitions, proofs of the standard results and theorems which enhance students' problem-solving skills. Solved examples and numerous problems with hints and answers have been carefully chosen, classified in various types and methods, and presented to illustrate the concepts discussed. With the author's vast experience of teaching mathematics, his approach of providing a one-stop solution to the students' problems is engaging which goes a long way for the reader to retain the knowledge gained.

This book has been specifically designed for postgraduate students of Mathematics and Physics. It would also be equally useful for undergraduate students of applied mathematics as well as for the aspirants of GATE, CSIR-UGC (NET/JRF), SLET and other competitive examinations.
Title Integral Equations and Boundary Value Problems
ISBN 9789352838950
Edition 10th Edition, 2021
Number of Pages 600
Country India
Language English

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