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College Botany Volume–III

1st Edition, 2022


চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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College Botany Volume–III (Hardcover)

TK. 2,691

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This Voume includes Plant Anataomy, Reproduction in Flowering Plants, BioChemistry, Plant Physiology, Biotechnology, Ecology, Economic Botany, Cell Biology, and Genetics, For Degree m Honours and Post Graduate Students., Unit-1: Plant Anatomy: 1. Basic Body Plan of Flowering Plant, 2. The Tissue, 3. Apical Meristems, 4. The Tissue System, 5. Nodal Anatomy, 6. The Cambium, 7. The Shoot System: Primary and Secondary Structure, 8. Leaf: Origin, Development and Anatomy, 9. The Root System: Primary and Secondary Structure, 10. Anatomy of the Embryo and Young Seedling, 11. Anatomy of the Floral Parts, 12. Special Flowering Plants, Unit-2: Reproduction in Flowering Plants: 13. Reproduction in Flowering Plants, Unit-3: Biochemistry: 14. Basics of Enzymology, Unit-4: Plant Physiology: 15. Plant Water Relations, 16. Mineral Nutrition and Nitrogen Metabolism, 17. Respiration, 18. Photosynthesis, 19. Plant Growth and Development, 20. Lipid (Fat) Metabolism, Unit-5: Biotechnology: 21. Genetic Engineering, Cloning and Genomics, 22. Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology, Unit-6: Ecology: 23. Organisms and the Environment, 24. Population, Biotic Community and Succession, 25. Ecosystem: Structure and Function, 26. Natural Resource and Vegetation Types of India, 27. Biodiversity and Biogeographical Regions of India, 28. Environment Changes, Unit-7: Utilization of Plants (Economic Botany): 29. Introduction, 30. Food Plants, 31. Fibres and Fibre Yielding Plants, 32. Vegetable and Fatty Oils, 33. Wood and Cork, 34. Bamboos in India, 35. Spices and Condiments, 36. The Medicinal Plants: Pharmacognosy, 37. Non - Alcoholic Beverages and Beverage Plants, 38. Rubber and its Products • Question Bank, Unit-8: Cell Biology: 39. The Cell: Structure and Its Components, 40. The Cell Wall, 41. The Division, Unit-9: Genetics - Continuity of Life: 42. Genetics Basis of Inheritance, 43. Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance, 44. Nature of Gene: Its Expression and Regulation, 45. Allelic and Non-allelic Interactions, 46. Genetic Variations: Mutations, 47. Transposable Genetic Elements, 48. Plasmids, 49. Chromosomal Aberrations: Structural Changes, 50. Variation in Chromosome Number, 51. Chromosome Organization, 52. Sex Chromosomes, 53. Extra - Nuclear or Cytoplasmic Inheritance, 54. Protein Structure, 55. DNA Damage and Repair • Question Bank
Title College Botany Volume–III
ISBN 9789355011893
Edition 1st Edition, 2022
Number of Pages 1380
Country India
Language English

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College Botany Volume–III

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