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Villa Amalia

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Villa Amalia (Hardcover)

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Musician Ann Hidden suspects her partner, Thomas, isn’t telling her everything. So one dark night, she secretly follows him to an unfamiliar house in the Paris suburbs, where he disappears inside with an unknown woman. But before she can even begin to process what looks like a betrayal, she gets another surprise an old schoolmate, Georges Roehlinger, appears, berating her for spying the from the bushes. With Georges’s help, Ann takes radical action: While Thomas is away, she resolves to secretly sell their shared house and get rid of all the physical manifestations of their sixteen years together. Thomas returns to find her gone, the locks changed and his few possessions packed up and sent to his office. Ann, meanwhile, has fled the country and started a new, hidden life. But our past is never that easy to escape and Ann’s secrets eventually seek her out.
Title Villa Amalia
ISBN 9780857424785
Edition Edition, 2018
Number of Pages 264
Country India
Language English

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