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Succeed as a New Manager

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Succeed as a New Manager (Paperback)

How to inspire your team and be a great boss

TK. 358

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Everything a first-time manager needs to know about leading and managing other people. It's great to find yourself with a new promotion and to suddenly have fresh challenges at work. But managing other people can be a daunting responsibility when it's your first time - particularly if you find yourself as the boss of former colleagues or friends. Packed with practical advice, Succeed as a New Manager will help you sail through issues such as getting to know your team, dealing with internal politics, the rise of hybrid and remote working, motivating others, and celebrating success. Whatever your new job, Succeed As a New Manager will help you find your feet and get great results along the way. This book also includes a quiz, step-by-step action points, common mistakes and advice on how to avoid them, top tips, and summaries of key points
Title Succeed as a New Manager
ISBN 9781399406772
Edition Edition, 2022
Number of Pages 96
Country India
Language English

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