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চিলড্রেন’স স্টোরি অফ এম্প্যাথি image

চিলড্রেন’স স্টোরি অফ এম্প্যাথি (Paperback)

Fahad ibn Illias

TK. 1,000 Total: TK. 770
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চিলড্রেন’স স্টোরি অফ এম্প্যাথি

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চিলড্রেন’স স্টোরি অফ এম্প্যাথি (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

Let’s listen to the story of empathy...
“Do not do this”, “do that”, “it's not good”, “that's good” these words become boring to ourselves after a certain time. These we are compelled to say to our children, because our children constantly make mistakes just as we did in childhood. That is why we are so good at teaching them. It is also impossible to keep the children living in the society like a zoo. Animals and birds also live socially in their society, that is, in the forest.
Therefore, our children grow up to facing the various realities of the society. For them, the education of good bad, love-hate, truth-false, politeness-rudeness, cooperation and various personal and social manners have to be embedded in the little and innocent mind of childhood.
However, if you do not keep it in your heart, it is difficult to last. Therefore, it is necessary to draw these loving lessons in stories in the tender hearts of the children. Then it is embedded in the heart. Then in the time of need these appear in the heart.
That was the effort for your children in this series of our stories. Animals and birds are the companion of children's curiosity and joy. Therefore, in this series of stories, the characters of the stories are arranged with the allegorical life of various animals and it is very enjoyable.
Now it is your turn to gift your beloved children "Story of love for children Goldsmiths".
The series includes-
1. Six books with six different stories.
2. In the stories, nature, animals, and birds are allegorical characters.
3. Animals are given different funny names, which are quite enjoyable for children.
4. Beautiful attractive graphics design are also there.
5. Fundamental lesson is briefly mentioned at the end of the story.
Title চিলড্রেন’স স্টোরি অফ এম্প্যাথি
Edition 1st Published, 2024
Number of Pages 128
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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চিলড্রেন’স স্টোরি অফ এম্প্যাথি

Fahad ibn Illias

৳ 770 ৳1000.0

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