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মুহম্মদ ইবন কাসিম image

মুহম্মদ ইবন কাসিম (হার্ডকভার)

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মুহম্মদ ইবন কাসিম

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মুহম্মদ ইবন কাসিম (হার্ডকভার)

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Product Specification & Summary

প্রথম সংস্করণের ভূমিকা
The Pre-British Bengali Literature is full of stories both in prose as well as in verse relating to the heroes of Muslim History. Not so, however, the literature produced during the British period since partition the movement to enrich the Bengali language with the cultural heritage of Islam has gained considerable strength. Books are now being written in Bengali touching on the glorious episodes and the great heroes of Islamic History.

Nasim Hejazi is an Urdu writer whose books have become extremely popular among the young men and women. He has a simple, forceful way of telling stories which are built round the heroes of Muslim History. It was felt that his stories would not lose their charm when translated into Bengali. The Pakistan Co-operative Book Society Ltd., is an organisation which has been established with the object of making good books available to the public at reasonable prices. It was therefare decided to make a start and get one of Nasim Heiazi's books translated into Bengali. If the present publication which is based on the life of the young conqueror of sind proves a success, other similar books will follow.

We received great encourgement in the execution of the project from Mr. Fakhruddin Valika of Karachi who donated a large sum of money for this purpose. There is no doubt that certain forces are at work which are all the time pointing out our differences. After all, the most important thing is idealogical and cultural identity. Our hearts beat in unison when we hear of the exploits of Muhammad Bin Kasim. He is a hero to all of us wherever we live. We have constantly to remind ourselves that we have a common future. Small petty differences divide us, but in our basic layalty we all stand united as one.

N. M. Khan
Bangladesh Co-operative Book Society Ltd.

প্রথম ভাগ
* আবুল হাসান
* লংকার রাজ দরবার
* দস্যু
* গংগু ও তার কাহিনী
* দেবল
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* মায়ার উদ্বেগ
* ভাই বোন
* শত্রু ও মিত্র
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দ্বিতীয় ভাগ
* কুতায়বার দূত
* বছরা হতে দামিশক
* সৈনিক ও রাজকুমার
* প্রথম বিজয়
* সর্ব সহায়
* শুকতারা
* সিন্ধুক নব সৈন্যধ্যক্ষ
* রাজা দাহিরের শেষ পরাজয়
* ব্রাহ্মণাবাদ থেকে অরোর
* তাদের দেবতা
* সুলায়মানের বন্দী
* সূর্যাস্ত
Title মুহম্মদ ইবন কাসিম
ISBN 9849430217
Edition 14th Edition, 2022
Number of Pages 280
Country বাংলাদেশ
Language বাংলা

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