Tomie by Junji Ito is a Japanese horror manga that tells the eerie and unsettling story of a beautiful girl named Tomie, who possesses an unnatural ability to regenerate and come back to life after being killed. Each chapter of the book focuses on different individuals or groups who encounter Tomie, often with disastrous consequences. Tomie’s beauty is captivating, but her presence drives those around her to obsession, madness, and violence. Even when she is murdered—often by those she manipulates—she inevitably returns, multiplying into more versions of herself, each more dangerous than before. The book explores themes of vanity, jealousy, obsession, and the dark side of human nature. Known for its disturbing imagery and psychological horror, Tomie is a chilling work that showcases Junji Ito’s talent for blending supernatural elements with the grotesque aspects of human emotions. The story has become a classic in the horror genre, earning a reputation for its unique and terrifying portrayal of an immortal femme fatale.