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বাগ বাউন্টি বিগিনার টু মাস্টার image

বাগ বাউন্টি বিগিনার টু মাস্টার (Whiteprint)

Mohammad Sheikh Shahinur Rahman

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বাগ বাউন্টি বিগিনার টু মাস্টার

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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বাগ বাউন্টি বিগিনার টু মাস্টার (Whiteprint)

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Product Specification & Summary

"Bug Bounty: Beginner to Master" is a comprehensive guide designed for aspiring ethical hackers and cybersecurity professionals. This book takes readers on a journey from the basics of bug bounty hunting to advanced techniques, making it suitable for both beginners and those looking to sharpen their skills.
The book starts by introducing fundamental concepts of cybersecurity, including types of vulnerabilities, hacking methodologies, and essential tools used in bug bounty hunting. It then progresses to practical approaches for identifying and exploiting different kinds of vulnerabilities in web applications, networks, and other digital platforms.
Readers will learn how to set up their testing environments, navigate through bug bounty platforms, understand legal and ethical boundaries, and effectively communicate their findings to organizations. The guide includes real-world examples, case studies, and hands-on exercises to help readers develop a solid foundation and gain confidence in their abilities.
By the end of "Bug Bounty: Beginner to Master," readers will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to independently conduct bug bounty hunting, contribute to securing online platforms, and potentially earn rewards for their discoveries.
Title বাগ বাউন্টি বিগিনার টু মাস্টার
ISBN 9789849809333
Edition 1st Published, 2024
Number of Pages 197
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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বাগ বাউন্টি বিগিনার টু মাস্টার

Mohammad Sheikh Shahinur Rahman

৳ 510 ৳650.0

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