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আলাদীন’স রিয়েল ল্যাম্প image

আলাদীন’স রিয়েল ল্যাম্প (Hardcover)

Dr. M. Shamsher Ali

TK. 500 Total: TK. 300
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আলাদীন’স রিয়েল ল্যাম্প

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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আলাদীন’স রিয়েল ল্যাম্প (Hardcover)

Science And Technology

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TK. 500 TK. 300 You Save TK. 200 (40%)
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ফ্ল্যাপে লেখা কিছু কখা
It gives me a great pleasure t write a few words about the book `Aladdin's Real Lamp : science and technology' written by prof. Dr. M. Shamsher Ali, President, Bangladesh Academy of Sciences whom I have known as an active fellow of the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World(TWAS) for a long time. Firstly about the title of the book. We talk of Aladdin's Lamp which children have known throughout the ages as a magical one with powers to do anything. Little do we realize that today that lamp has really returned with the name of science and technology. If one notices the unprecedented progress of science and technology over the last few decades following the second world war, one is bound to conclude that science and technology has transformed our thoughts and actions in bringing the world to where it is now. It has brought in a new renaissance, so to say and very rightly assumed the role of an instrument of change for our societies. The author has covered almost all aspects of science and technology that gave to it the power it has today. He has not bothered the reader with equations and tables but has communicated the powers of science through stories. Although the context in the book is Bangladesh and the subcontinent, much of what has been said is relevant to the need for science and technology in many developing countries. I am glad that prof.Ali could grasp the spirit of politicians and scientists in India to make science and technology the strength of India today. If other countries proceed on the right path highlighted by the author, they can also use science and technology in the role of Aladdin's Lamp, which this time has become a real lamp with power and vigor. I congratulate the anther on his writing this book and wish it a very large circulation.
Title আলাদীন’স রিয়েল ল্যাম্প
ISBN 9879848557778
Edition 1st Edition, 2013
Number of Pages 248
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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আলাদীন’স রিয়েল ল্যাম্প

Dr. M. Shamsher Ali

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