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দ্য ইসিজি মেইড ইজি

7th Edition, 2008


চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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দ্য ইসিজি মেইড ইজি (Paperback)

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TK. 53,896

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Product Specification & Summary

This highly respected and famous book is a simple, readable guide to the accurate identification and interpretation of abnormal electrocardiogram (ECG) patterns, written for medical students, nurses and junior doctors. The emphasis throughout is on the straightforward practical application of the ECG. Generations of medical and health care staff have benefited from its clear-cut approach to this important investigation.

Salient Features
* A practical and highly informative guide to a difficult subject.
* Provides a full understanding of the ECG in the diagnosis and management of abnormal cardiac rhythms.
* Emphasises the role of the full 12 lead ECG with realistic reproduction of recordings

New to This Edition
* A new page size and text design give a much clearer presentation of the ECGs.
* An expanded section focuses on the practical aspects of making a recording .
* Over 20 new ECG recordings included.
* A new chapter on how to use the ECG.
* An expanded self-testing chapter with clinical scenarios and advice on clinical managementDetailed answers are cross-referenced to ECG in Practice and 150 ECG Problems to help the reader who wishes to read further on a topic

Table of Contents
* What the ECG is about
* Conduction and its problems
* The rhythm of the heart
* Abnormalities of P waves, QRS complexes and T waves
* How to use the ECG
* Reminders
* Now test yourself
Title দ্য ইসিজি মেইড ইজি
ISBN 9780443068263
Edition 7th Edition, 2008
Country USA
Language English

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দ্য ইসিজি মেইড ইজি

John R. Hampton

৳ 53,896 ৳53896.0

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