• Provides knowledge of hematology and clinical pathology in a simple, lucid and easily understandable and reproducible format • Highly illustrated in multicolor, easy-to-understand, and student-friendly book • Contemporary concepts on hematological diseases • Concise text in bullet form for easy review and recollection • Key points are provided in bold words so that it will help the student to just brush through the entire book within a few hours before the examination or viva voce • Molecular basis of common hematological disorders • Laboratory findings of hematological diseases presented in simplified manner • A summary of important points at the end of each chapter • Provided with essay questions, short answer questions and 351 MCQs to encourage self-assessment •Text enhanced by 135 illustrations, 27 photomicrographs, 18 photographs, radiographs, and more than 146 tables and text boxes • Facilitates learning and preparing for practical examination in pathology • Book is divided into four sections-Section 1: Disorders of Red Cells (Chapters 1 to 17), Section 2: Disorders of White Cells (Chapters 18 to 32), Section 3: Disorders of Hemostasis (Chapters 33 to 37), and Section 4: Clinical Pathology (Chapters 38 to 67) deals with laboratory investigations done in routine practice •Includes Appendix 1: Recent WHO Classification of Tumors of Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues, and Appendix 2: Reference Values of Commonly Performed Important Laboratory Tests.