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Robbins Basic Pathology (First South Asia Edition) (Paperback)

Vinay Kumar

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Robbins Basic Pathology (First South Asia Edition)

1st Published, 2017


৭ ডিসেম্বর থেকে আসছে বিশাল ছাড়!

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Robbins Basic Pathology (First South Asia Edition) (Paperback)

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Summary Of The Book
Robbins Basic Pathology: Study Smart With Student Consult attempts to provide the fundamentals of pathology to the students of medical sciences. The initial chapters cover topics of general pathology including the latest developments in genomes, the mechanism of diseases and personal medicine. The later chapters are more focused on pathogenesis. The book has also incorporated advanced scientific breakthroughs in the field and provides important summary boxes at the end of each chapter highlighting the important points for takeaway.

This edition has more than a thousand illustrations for better understanding of difficult concepts. There are a total of 23 chapters that cover all the basics of the subject. Several flowcharts, diagrams and four-colour art schematics are present to facilitate the students' understanding further. The book has successfully added the latest advancements in the field and has eliminated outdated information that is no longer useful to the students. The colour palette has been altered to offer clearer images to the students.

Robbins Basic Pathology: Study Smart With Student Consult is a book that helps explain the core concepts of the subject. There are parallels drawn between basic science and clinical medicine, along with clinicopathological correlations throughout the text, offering a practical approach towards studying the subject. This edition of the book comes with the added advantage of online access, making it possible to read it anywhere and at anytime. The learning experience is further enhanced by targeted therapy clinical cases, virtual microscopic slides and self assessments that are all available online.

About The Authors
Vinay Kumar is the Alice Hogge
Title Robbins Basic Pathology (First South Asia Edition)
ISBN 9788131249048
Edition 1st Published, 2017
Number of Pages 935
Country India
Language English

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Robbins Basic Pathology (First South Asia Edition)

Vinay Kumar

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