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Medical Physiology for Undergraduates Students

1st Edition, 2011


চলবে ২১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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Medical Physiology for Undergraduates Students (Paperback)

TK. 2,025

বইটি বিদেশি প্রকাশনী বা সাপ্লাইয়ারের নিকট থেকে সংগ্রহ করে আনতে আমাদের ৩০ থেকে ৪০ কর্মদিবস সময় লেগে যেতে পারে।

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Product Specification & Summary

Medical Physiology for Undergraduate Students presents a complete and balanced exposition of the text highlighting essential and relevant aspects of human physiology in a lucid style with a student friendly language. The text has been organized into twelve sections and each section has been subdivided into various chapters. The text has been arranged in such a way that it provides step-by-step explanation complemented by numerous tables and abundant illustrations.

Key Features
* Complete and up-to-date text with recent advances
* Illustrated by more than 1000 clear line diagrams
* Complemented with numerous tables and flowcharts for quick comprehension
* Text and figures in an attractive four colour format
* A balanced amalgamation of pure and applied text
* Highlights applied aspects of physiology in separate boxes
* Systematic organization of text to facilitate easy review

The above features make it an indispensable text for undergraduate medical students. Candidates preparing for PG entrance examinations would find it an authentic reference source.

About the Author
Indu Khurana Senior Professor of Physiology at Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences (PGIMS), University of Health Sciences, Rohtak, possesses a rich teaching and research experience of about 32 years. She has published extensively in national and international journals with discovery of occulodepressor reflex (ODR) to her credit. She is an established author in Physiology with a Textbook of Medical Physiology (mainly for postgraduate students), Textbook of Human Physiology for Dental Students, Textbook of Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses, Anatomy and Physiology for Health Professionals, and Anatomy and Physiology of Eye to her credit.
Title Medical Physiology for Undergraduates Students
ISBN 9788131228050
Edition 1st Edition, 2011
Number of Pages 1100
Country India
Language English

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Medical Physiology for Undergraduates Students

Indu Khurana

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