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দ্যা লাস্ট ট্রেইন টু জোনা ভার্ডে

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দ্যা লাস্ট ট্রেইন টু জোনা ভার্ডে

TK. 898

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Product Specification & Summary

Heading north from Cape Town, through South Africa, Namibia, Botswana and Angola, Paul Theroux makes a final journey along Africa's western edge. The end of the line is the Congo but Theroux discovers that his trip's pleasures are tempered by a growing sense that the Africa which so long ago helped form him has vanished, along with the hopes of many of its people. Yet after 2,500 miles Theroux finds that though this will be his ultimate African adventure there are still surprises to be found by the traveller prepared to step off the beaten track.

'A melancholic, farewell journey . . . Theroux does all this inimitably, and more, getting better the more detours he takes.' Evening Standard
'Hard to put down, brutal honesty. Theroux proves himself a sharp observer of human foibles and a master of pithy description. The book he has crafted out of his experiences packs plenty of bang.' Spectator

'As we worry about the future of the continent, there could be no better guide than Theroux . . . his sense that this is his final journey adds to the power.' GQ
'Excellent, barbed reportage.' Independent
'Probably the most important travel writer of his generation.' Sunday Times
Title দ্যা লাস্ট ট্রেইন টু জোনা ভার্ডে
ISBN 9780141029597
Country Abroad
Language English

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দ্যা লাস্ট ট্রেইন টু জোনা ভার্ডে

Paul Theroux

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