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ফান্ডামেন্টালস অব হিউম্যান রিসোর্স ম্যানেজমেন্ট

9th Edition, 2007


চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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ফান্ডামেন্টালস অব হিউম্যান রিসোর্স ম্যানেজমেন্ট (Paperback)

TK. 3,810

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Product Specification & Summary

Written in a clear, lively, concise, and conversational style, this book addresses the most critical issues in human resource management (HRM). The authors achieves a delicate balance between basic HRM functions and the new world of HRM. Their new ninth edition focuses on a broad-based market, helping you build a strong foundation in the essential elements of HRM. Relevant HR topics that are making news today are also covered, such as work benefits, drug testing, minimum wages, stock options and more.

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About the Author
David A. Decenzo received his Ph.D. from West Virginia University. He is the provost and senior vice president of academic administration at Coastal Carolina University. his major teaching and research interests focus on the general areas of human resource management, management, and organizational behavior. He has published articles in such journals as Harvard Business review, Business Horizons, risk Management, Hospital Topics, and Performance and Instruction.

Dr. DeCenzo has spent the past two-plus decades writing textbooks, His books include Supervision Today, Fifth Edition (2007); Fundamentals of Management, Fifth Edition (2006) with Stephen Robbins; Human Relations, Second Edition (2002) with Beth Silhanek; Essentials of Labor relations (1992) with Molly Bowers; and Employee Benefits (1990) with Stephen Holoviak. These books are used widely at colleges and universities in the United states, as well as schools throughout the world.

Dr. DeCenzo also has industry experience as a corporate trainer, and has served s a consultant to a number of companies, including Burroughs
Title ফান্ডামেন্টালস অব হিউম্যান রিসোর্স ম্যানেজমেন্ট
ISBN 9780470007945
Edition 9th Edition, 2007
Number of Pages 480
Country India
Language English

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ফান্ডামেন্টালস অব হিউম্যান রিসোর্স ম্যানেজমেন্ট

David A. Decenzo

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