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Human Resources Mangement( Text and Cases)

1st Edition, 2003


চলবে ২১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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Human Resources Mangement( Text and Cases) (Paperback)

TK. 1,350

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Product Specification & Summary

This book has been written for the students of M.B.A., M.Com., and other Diploma Courses in Management. It would also be useful to the practitioners in the field of Human Resource Management. The book covers the whole syllabus of HRM prescribed by the UGC Course Development Committee on Management. The book makes a presumptions attempt to knead all aspects of HRM logically dividing them into seven sections to enable the readers comprehend the key and vital issues of HRM in a dynamic environment.

Table of Contents
* Human Resource Management : 1. Environment and Strategies
* Nature and scope of Human Resource Management
* Evolution and Development
* strategic Human Resource management 2. Acquisition and Absorption
* Human resource planning
* Job Analysis and Design
* Recruitment
* Selection
* Placement, Induction and Socialisation 3. Development
* Career planning and Development
* Employee Training
* Executive Development
* Organisation Development
* Internal Mobility and Separations 4 Maintenance and Retention
* . Job Evaluation
* . Wage and Salary Administration
* Incentives and Benefits
* Motivation Concept and application
* Employee Empowerment
* Worker's Participation in Management
* Employee Health and safety
* Social Security
* Employee Discipline
* Employee Grievance
* Industrial Relation
* Industrial Dispute
Title Human Resources Mangement( Text and Cases)
ISBN 9788121923002
Edition 1st Edition, 2003
Number of Pages 464
Country India
Language English

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Human Resources Mangement( Text and Cases)

Dr. S. S.Khanka

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