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ই-কমার্সঃ বিসনেস, টেকনোলজি সোসাইটি

4th Edition, 2009


চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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ই-কমার্সঃ বিসনেস, টেকনোলজি সোসাইটি (Paperback)

TK. 1,299

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Product Specification & Summary

E-Commerce: Business, Technology, Society is a comprehensive book for marketing professionals working with the online medium. The book teaches readers how an online market varies from a physical market and how it is still similar in many ways. It shows readers how Business, Technology, and Society work together to drive e-commerce. It also discusses a coherent conceptual framework for understanding the field, elaborating on technology change, business development, and social issues. The book is an essential resource for marketing professionals who are aiming to capture an online market for their products.

About the Authors
Kenneth C. Laudon is a Professor of Information Systems at the Department of Information, Operations, and Management Sciences, New York State University's Stern School of Business. A graduate of Stanford University, Dr. Laudon completed his doctoral studies at Columbia University and has written several books, including: Computers and Bureaucratic Reform; Communications Technology and Participation; Dossier Society; Information Technology and Management Strategy; Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm; E-commerce, Business Technology Society; Business Information Systems: A Problem Solving Perspective; Solving Classic Business Problems; Information Technology and Society, and Interactive Computing: Concepts and Skills.
Title ই-কমার্সঃ বিসনেস, টেকনোলজি সোসাইটি
ISBN 9788131725412
Edition 4th Edition, 2009
Number of Pages 896
Country India
Language English

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ই-কমার্সঃ বিসনেস, টেকনোলজি সোসাইটি

Kenneth C. Laudon

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