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অপারেশন ম্যানেজমেন্ট

10th Edition


চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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অপারেশন ম্যানেজমেন্ট (Paperback)

TK. 1,970

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Product Specification & Summary

The Tenth Edition of Operations Management features the latest concepts and applications while preserving the core concepts that have made the text a market leader. Stevenson?s careful explanations and approachable format supports students in understanding the important operations management concepts as well as applying tools and methods. By providing detailed examples, solved problems, questions, and cases students learn by doing, and the Tenth Edition continues to offer more support for 'doing Operations' than any other.

Salient Features:
* Up-to-date revisions incorporate the latest concepts and applications while not losing focus on the core concepts of Operations Management. New readings are included that focus on innovations and the latest ideas in operations management along with four new cases.
* New content and more emphasis on Supply chain management, Matching supply or capacity with demand, Dealing with variation, Sustainability Process management.
* Deep-rooted understanding of OM is achieved. While some titles may overemphasize the latest hot buzzword, Stevenson integrates new ideas carefully and appropriately so that students have a long lasting understanding of the important operations management considerations to carry forward in the rest of their studies and in their careers.
* The importance of Supply Chain Management to Operations highlighted by an icon in the text.
* Test Bank questions have been tagged with Bloom?s Taxonomy and AASCB standards making it easier to tie assessment to student learning outcomes.
* Learn By Doing ? Based on Stevenson?s philosophy that students learn best by practice, numerous examples, solved problems, questions, problems and cases are found throughout the book.
* Balanced Coverage ? balanced coverage can be seen in the quantitative and qualitative topics covered throughout the text; as well as the examples from manufacturing and services, the balance of strategic competitive issues as well as tactical and analytic control issues. Instructors have the choice of what to cover as well as the overall emphasis they desire for the course. The student gets better comprehension and perspective of the critical role operations management plays in today?s competitive markets.

Table of Contents
1 Introduction to Operations Management
2 Competitiveness, Strategy, and Productivity
3 Forecasting
4 Product and Service Design
4S Supplement: Reliability
5 Strategic Capacity Planning for Products and Services
5S Supplement: Decision Theory
6 Process Selection and Facilities Layout
6S Linear Programming
7 Design of Work Systems
7S Learning Curves
8 Location Planning and Analysis
8S The Transportation Model
9 Management of Quality
10 Quality Control
10S Acceptance Sampling
11 Supply Chain Management
12 Inventory Management
13 Aggregate Planning
14 MRP and ERP
15 Lean Operations
15S Supplement: Maintenance
16 Scheduling
17 Project Management
18 Management of Waiting Lines
Title অপারেশন ম্যানেজমেন্ট
ISBN 9780070091771
Edition 10th Edition
Number of Pages 906
Country India
Language English

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অপারেশন ম্যানেজমেন্ট

William J. Stevenson

৳ 1,970 ৳1970.0

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