Advanced Electronic Communications Systems

6th Edition,2004


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Advanced Electronic Communications Systems (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

Wayne Tomasi’s Advanced Electronic Communications Systems, published by Prentice Hall, is a comprehensive book for Electronic and Electrical engineering students. It comprises of the contemporary developments in the field of electronic communications. The book details on the concepts of modern digital and data communications systems and networks, terrestrial and satellite radio systems, optical fiber communications systems, and both wireline and wireless telephone communications systems. It offers the latest information existing in the fast-changing field of communications technology. All concepts are explained in simple and lucid language for better comprehension. The topics that are covered in the book are Optical Fiber Transmission Media, Digital Modulation, Introduction to Data Communications and Networking, Fundamental Concepts of Data Communications, Data-Link Protocols and Data Communications Networks, Digital Transmission, Digital T-Carriers and Multiplexing, Telephone Instruments and Signals, The Telephone Circuit, The Public Telephone Network, Cellular Telephone Concepts, Cellular Telephone Systems, Microwave Radio Communications and System Gain, Satellite Communications, and Satellite Multiple Accessing Arrangements.

About Prentice Hall
Prentice Hall is an educational books publisher which is owned by Pearson PLC. It exclusively develops and published both books and online resources for grade 6 to 12 as well as for higher education students. Their e-service is through the title Safari Books Online. It was founded in the year 1913. Some of the books published by Prentice Hall are Magruder's American Government, Biology, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, ANSI Common Lisp and The C Programming Language.
Title Advanced Electronic Communications Systems
ISBN 9788120324978
Edition 6th Edition,2004
Number of Pages 668
Country India
Language English

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Advanced Electronic Communications Systems

Wayne Tomasi

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