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A.T. Rafiqur Rahman books


এ. টি. রফিকুর রহমান

A.T. Rafiqur Rahman has a Ph. D. in political science from Duke University, USA and is currently a Professor in Public Administration at City University of New York. Beginning with training of public officials at BARD, Comilla, Dr. Rahman acquired over forty-five years of practical work, research and teaching in public management from national and global perspectives. He had been a professor at Dhaka University, an associate Director of Canadian International Development Centre, Deputy Director at UN Secretariat managing UN Public Administration Programme. Rahman has published books, articles and reports on different aspects of public administration. He conceived and led three UN studies in Bangladesh in the 1990s on Public Administration Sector, Local Governance, and Human Security, which were published and critically acclaimed.

এ. টি. রফিকুর রহমান এর বই সমূহ

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