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A K Roy books


এ কে রায়

A K Roy Poet, Essay-writer and Columnist. Born in Jessore, Bangladesh. Studied Law, English and Political Science in the University of Dhaka. Joined the Judiciary as a Judge. Became District and Sessions Judge in 2000. Worked as Special Judge, Acting District & Sessions Judge and Acting Metropolitan Sessions Judge of Dhaka. Life Member of American State Alumni Association in Bangladesh, Dhaka University Alumni Association, Bangladesh Red Crescent Society & Bangla Academy. Was the Vice- President of Bangladesh Judicial Service Association. Attended different Seminars, Conferences and Workshops on different subjects at home and abroad. Did different certificate courses in different Universities and National Judicial College of the USA. Is the International Visitor of the USA at the official invitation of the Department of State on Administration of Courts. Did CAPSTONE course in National Defence College (NDC). He is also fellow of NDC, Dhaka. Almost regular contributor to the leading English Dailies and Law Journals published from Dhaka, Bangladesh. His books Law Will Never Make Men Free & The Right Application of Society have been catalogued in the British Library, London and Library of Congress, Washington DC.

এ কে রায় এর বই সমূহ

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