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A W Joshi books


এ ডাবলিউ জোসি

A W Joshi is retired Professor of Physics from University of Pune. He received his PhDdegree from the same university in 1967, for which he worked at the National ChemicalLaboratory in Pune. He then worked at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research,Mumbai, H H Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol, UK, CCS University, Meerut,Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla and moved to University of Pune in 1984. He haspublished over 300 popular, semi popular, research, educational and social articles innewspapers, magazines and journals including popular science articles in Indianlanguages. He has written four other books and edited three books. He worked asassistant editor and then chief editor of the journal ‘Physics Education’(India) during1985–2000. He has carried out research and educational projects sponsored by UGC,UNESCO and other agencies and worked on curriculum development committees. Hiscurrent interests are physics education, philosophy of science and development ofeducational material for physics.

এ ডাবলিউ জোসি এর বই সমূহ

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