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দি ফায়ার ফোর্স (Hardcover)

Abul Kashem 1

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দি ফায়ার ফোর্স

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দি ফায়ার ফোর্স (Hardcover)

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Product Specification & Summary

One cannot imagine the evolving nature and the emergence of Bangladesh as a nation-state without understanding or acknowledging the role of students and thus student politics. Additionally, in order to understand the contemporary Bangladesh politics, society, culture and economy it becomes necessary to understand the catalysts/actors and processes in the making of the country. In fact, among the catalysts, the role of student politics remains pivotal in the identity formation, nation-building and societal transformations of Bangladesh. Against such a backdrop, this intellectually stimulating book investigates the role of student politics between 1930s and 1960s in the making of Bangladesh. It covers Muslim student politics in the pre-partition Bengal, trends in East Bengal student movement between 1952 and 1958 and the role of Student Action Committee (SAC) in the mass-upsurge of 1969. The book will be immensely useful to the students of History, Politics, to academics, researchers and policymakers with interest on student politics in Bangladesh.
Title দি ফায়ার ফোর্স
ISBN 9789845100441
Edition 1st Published, 2021
Number of Pages 135
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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দি ফায়ার ফোর্স

Abul Kashem 1

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