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Core Java : Volume 1 Fundamentals

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Core Java : Volume 1 Fundamentals (Paperback)

TK. 7,314

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The bestselling guide for serious programmers updated to Java 1.2!Ask any experienced Java programmer: Core Java delivers the real-world guidance you need to master Java. That's why it's been an international best-seller for three straight years! Completely revised and updated, Core Java 1.2, Volume I-Fundamentals gives experienced programmers the firm foundation they need to build their Java careers. It thoroughly covers the fundamentals of the JDK 1.2, including the new Swing user interface components. The new edition is filled with even more of the robust, non-toy programs that previous versions were famous for and now they are updated to take advantage of the Swing classes where appropriate. Volume 1 includes a thorough explanation of object-oriented programming, Java inner classes and exception handling, as well as debugging, the current Java event model, and a thorough coverage of both Input/Output and File Management. For experienced programmers, Core Java 1.2, Volume I-Fundamentals sets the standard-again! State-of-the-art information for Java developers, including: ? Building GUI applications with the new Swing classes ? Making the most of inner classes ? Mastering the current Java event model ? Understanding streams and file management with Java CD-ROM contains complete source code examples, the JDK 1.2(beta), and useful tools, including TextPad, HexWorkshop, SourceAgain, and Together<178>/Java.
Title Core Java : Volume 1 Fundamentals
ISBN 9780130819338
Edition 1st Edition, 1999
Number of Pages 737
Country India
Language English

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