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Effective Writting Skill For Advanced Learners (Paperback)

S. M. Zakir Hussain

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Effective Writting Skill For Advanced Learners

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Effective Writting Skill For Advanced Learners (Paperback)

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৭ ডিসেম্বর থেকে শুরু হচ্ছে বর্ষসেরা অফার ক্লিয়ারেন্স সেলস! বইয়ে ৭০% পর্যন্ত ছাড় এবং পণ্যে ৭৮% পর্যন্ত ছাড়!


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"ইফেকটিভ রাইটিং স্কিল ফর এডভান্সড লার্নারস্"This books Preface:"
Writing is an art, and art being an esthetic outcome of deliberate human efforts, anybody can learn the techniques of writing good prose. Good writing, in the broadest sense, means being able to write beautifully and effectively enough what comes to one's mind. The main concern of this book, for this reason, is to provide the readers with some practical and practicable crafts to enable them to say things rightwithout, however, disregarding the issue of how to say the right thing at the right moment or occasion. In other words, this book tells the readers not only how to write attractively and effectively what they want to write, but also what they ought to write if the writing on a specific topic is to be effective.
As you'll go through the book, you'll find the techniques perhaps helpful enough for smooth and fluent writing, which, it's hoped, will in trun help you think smoothly and fluently. Since thinking and writing are closely interrelated, this book will give the maximum utility if the techniques presented in it are practiced keeping this approach of the book in mind.
One thing, however, must be made clear in this regard : this book is only for those who need it, as, for example, for university and college students, novice writers, or for anybody who wants to begin to write, and, presumably, not for scholars or experts. But I most humbly request any person to read the book who thinks that writing is mainly a sum total of grammatical accuracy and efficient choice of words; for, good writing—I'm convinced—is much, much more than ensuring grammatical accuracy in language.
It's only when the book proves to be useful to the readers to any extent whatever, that I'll consider my efforts fruitful.
Any criticism and suggestion for the betterment of this text will be gratefully welcomed.
Title Effective Writting Skill For Advanced Learners
ISBN 98470149002698
Edition 10th Printed, 2018
Number of Pages 378
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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Effective Writting Skill For Advanced Learners

S. M. Zakir Hussain

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